Stressed? Tense? Stay at home! Your massage comes to you.

Mobile Massage
in Vienna

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Relax at home! Book a mobile massage online and your masseur will come to you with a massage table and oils.

With a doctor's order it is also possible to book a mobile medical massage.

How it works


Book your appointment online

Choose your preferred date and book your mobile massage online. Specify the address where the mobile massage will take place and any special wishes and requirements for your massage. You can choose between a 60-, 75-, or 90-minute massage. With a doctor's order for medical massage, it is also possible to book a mobile medical massage.


Get comfortable

Make sure there is enough space for the massage table (about 2x2 meters) and create a relaxing atmosphere. Have two small and one large towel ready. Your masseur will come at the appointed time and bring the massage table and oils. He will set up the massage table and give instructions on how to prepare for the massage, for example, by taking off certain items of clothing and covering yourself with a sheet or blanket.


Enjoy your massage

Relax and enjoy your massage! Our massage therapist uses a variety of techniques to tailor the massage to your individual needs and requirements. After the massage, the therapist will clean up and pack up their equipment. Enjoy your day in a relaxed mood!

With us you book massages by duration. The techniques and treatments are individually tailored to your needs in consultation with your massage therapist.


90 Min.
75 Min.
60 Min.

Prices for massages including
20% sales tax.

Medical massages are exempt
from sales tax.

Our Mobile Therapist

Alain Volpe

I have been working as a massage therapist and naturopath for over ten years. I am from the French part of Switzerland and before coming to Vienna eight years ago, I managed a practice in Geneva and later in Zurich. Since 2013 I have been practicing in Vienna in various spa and luxury hotels and have completed my training as a therapeutic massage therapist here.

At the end of 2019 I founded massagepraxis neubau. Alongside my work as a massage therapist, I completed a master's degree in art and theory at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.

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appointments online

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Practices in
central locations
in the 7th & 3rd district

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appointments online

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Practices in
central locations
in the 7th & 3rd district

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appointments online

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Practices in
central locations
in the 7th & 3rd district

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