Become a therapist
at haptic

We are looking for (medical) massage therapists for our two practices in the 3rd and 7th district

massagepraxis neubau

Neubaugasse 63 / 2 / 13

1070 Vienna

massagepraxis landstraße

Hintzerstraße 6 / 2

1030 Vienna

We are looking for talented self-employed medical masseurs & trained massage therapists who would like to work with us.

Massage Jobs in Vienna

We are looking for dedicated and skilled massage therapists to join our team.

With haptic network, we are developing a network that leverages synergies to enable therapists to work autonomously, expand their reach, share costs, and delegate IT and administrative tasks.

We value the best working conditions, high remuneration, and top-notch quality for our clients and massage therapists in Vienna.

If you are motivated and looking for a massage job in Vienna, click on our open positions below. We look forward to your application!

Open Positions

Self-employed medical masseur
ca. 2-3 days per week

Unsolicited application

Not the right job opening for you? Get in touch with us!

We are always looking for talented people to work or collaborate with.

Feel free to send your resume any time to